Gift for Prisoners, Inmates: Looking to present an gift for inmates while they’re inside the prison? Here’s the list of top gifts for prisoners that’d suit best for any occasion such as birthday, christmas, new year and when they’re out of jail.
Gifts for Prisoners and Inmates
Many prisons provide only the bare essentials that inmates need to live in prison. So, the common gifts for inmates are little luxuries that aim to make their life behind bars easier. However, many prisons operate under strict gift regulations. Aside from warrants, which allow the prisoner to purchase their own gifts directly from the prison, there are other simple gift ideas that are generally accepted by prisons.
Also read: Thank you gift for judges.
Magazine Subscriptions
A common pastime for inmates is reading. A popular gift idea is a magazine subscription that directly caters to an individual’s interest. Magazine subscriptions are fun and can also be shared among other inmates. According to the Federal Bureau of Prisons website, magazines sent to inmates must be sent by the publisher. The director also has the right to reject publications that are deemed inappropriate. Examples include magazines that describe procedures for making weapons, describe escape methods, written in code, or those containing sexually explicit material.
Although approved compact discs are available through Commissioner, prisons also allow foreigners to send religious or educational CDs to inmates, according to the Connecticut Department of Corrections. CDs can be ordered by the inmate or by a third party. They must be ordered from a commercial distributor and sent directly to the prison by it. Incoming CDs, like magazines, are subject to review by the Custodian.
According to Simple Gifts, inmates only receive compensation of 8 to 15 cents an hour for prisoner labor. Most prisons also require prisoners to purchase their own soap, postage stamps, and the like, which means they often have to work many hours before they can afford these things. For this reason, money is another common gift option for inmates. Through the prison, inmates can buy items like candy bars, headphones for watching TV, and sweatshirts for wearing on cold nights. Some prisons allow money to be sent directly to an inmate’s account using warrants, according to the Connecticut Department of Corrections.
Chocolate gift box
When the inmate is out of jail it is good to give them a small Chocolate gift box as they would not have had any best food items while they were serving in the prison.
This could be one of a symbolic representation for the prisoner to tell them that his good time is coming soon and this watch would remind them after they’re out of the prison.
This could be one best gift for inmates because after they’re out of the jail, New sneakers will make them feel new when they’re exercising in the morning. A happy morning can keep their entire day peacefull.
This can be a funny gift for prisoners because they’d be a bit broke in terms of financial and given them a fat wallet would make them laugh out loud and can be quite funny.
If your inmate is a smoker then what’s more than gifting them a pack of cigars after they’ve come out and smoke a round with them and share all the memories that happened during the jail time.
Correctional officer wine as a gifts for prisoners
A custom written cup as correctional officer wine will be a funny gifts for prisoners.
Birthday Gift Ideas for Boyfriend in Jail
Love letters
If your boyfriend or girlfriend is in prison and you’re looking gifts for prisoner who’s your lover then a love letter would serve the purpose. Here’s a small example of what can be written in the letter :
My love,
I am writing to you now while you are probably sleeping , so that I can post this message at dawn and have it in your hands as soon as possible. So that you know as soon as possible how much I love you. Because even if you are not with me, you invade my mind every moment.
I’m only waiting for one thing: to be able to find you in the visiting room, to see you, to hear you. You are always in my thoughts. I wonder every moment what you do, and think about how much I wish I could tell you my everyday anecdotes, or even see you without speaking. For me, that would already be huge.
I tell myself that it is only an ordeal to overcome, a bad moment to pass. When you leave, we will be able to live the “normal” life we constantly dream of. And we will cherish her more than anyone else. Because we will know all the sacrifices we have made until then, all the necessary efforts. At that moment, we will make up for lost time and will be able to live out all our fantasies: living together, going on a trip, starting a family …
I imagine us doing everything together, until the small moments of everyday life of which you are still deprived. Going to the supermarket, going for a walk, going to a restaurant, sharing the same bed… It might sound silly, but I would be the most fulfilled woman if only I could do it all with you. I can’t bear to imagine you there, behind the barriers and fences. Know that despite the distance and the distance, I watch over you from afar. I miss you my love. And I’ll wait as long as it takes to find you. Soon, I hope I will be in your arms.
No matter how many days you have to stand there, no more bars will stop you from living your dreams after this time. The only real prison is the one you form in your head. So hold on my man: one day after another, continue to move forward, to make efforts, to surpass yourself. Even when it’s hard. Even when you want to stop everything.
Even when you want to do stupid things: it would only serve to lengthen your sentence … And I promise you that the rest of your life, of our life together, will be worth it. It is this thought that animates me and allows me to hold on to my daily life, this very thought that gives me the strength to love you against all odds. I feel like I’m trapped in this too you know, but since it’s for you, nothing else matters.
You changed my life, changed my habits. I wouldn’t be the woman I am today if I hadn’t crossed your path. Everything seemed bland without you, the world was turned off. By your light, I finally know which path I must take. Through your love, you have lit my world.
I care about you like no one else
Your darling who loves you
Other gifts for prisoners that you can give are cell phones, tee shirts, cool vacations, snack foods, glass mug cup, wine glass, style baseball cap and secret lock box.
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Hi, I am a freelance artist and greeting card designer in San Francisco.
My work was inspired by ephemera of all sorts. Apart from designing, I love to share and suggest cool gift ideas for any occasion to my readers.
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